3. In cases tending to recovery the percentage of lymphocytes increases. 4. Cialis Prescription Discount Card The Arneth's Cialis Prescription Discount Card formula shows that in pulmon- ary tuberculosis a large number of immature leuco- cytes occur in the bloodstream. 5. The more advanced the disease the higher is the Arneth's index. 6. Arneth's index shows in a general way the progress of the Cialis Prescription Discount Card disease. 7- Doehle's inclusion bodies are present in pul- monary tuberculosis, especially in advanced cases. REFERENCES. I. LOUIS M. WARFIELD: The Normal Differential Leucocyte Count, Journal A. M. A.. 1915, Ixiv. 1296-1300. 2. SYDNEY R. MILLER: The Normal Differential Leucocyte Count. The Johns ilopl'tits Hosfital Bulletin. 1014, xxv, 317-323. 3. C. H. BUNTING: I he Normal Differential Leucocyte Count, American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 191 1, cxiii, 698-702. 4. MYER SOLIS-COHEN and ALBERT STRICKLER: The Leucocytic Picture in Pulmonary- Tuberculosis, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 191 1, cxlii. 691-698. 5- FRANK A. CRAIG: A Study of the Blood in Pul- monary Tuberculosis. Fourth Annual Report of the Henry Phipps Institute for the Study, Treatment, and Prevention of Tuberculosis 1906-1907, 108-119 6. PAUL H. RINGER: A Further Study of the Prognostic Value of Arneth's Leucocytic Blood Picture in Pul- monary Tuberculosis, Based upon 729 Counts in 475 Patients, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 1912, cxliv, 561-567. 7. C. L. MINOR and P. H. RINGER: Arneth's Method of Blood Counting — Its Prognostic Value in Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Amer- ican Journal of the Medical Sciences, 191 1, cxli, 63S-649. 8. A. M. BURGESS: A Study of the Occurrence of Immature Polynuclear Leucocytes in the Circulating Blood in Pulmonary Tuberculosis and other Infectious Diseases, Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Med- icine, 1917, ii, 240-246. 9. KOLLE and WAS'SEKMANN: Hand- ouch der patlwgenen Microorganism, Jena. Gustav Fischer, 1913, chapter on Scarlatina. 10. JOHN A. KOLMER: Leucocytic "In- clusion Bodies" with Special Cialis Prescription Discount Card Reference to Scarlet Fever, American iVlT-'^LrtL^'""^" "f Children, 1912. iv, 1-6. 11. WILLIAM MACEWEN: An Investigation Concerning Doehle's Leucocytic "In- clusion Bodies" in Scarlet Fever and Other Diseases, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, Cialis Prescription Discount Card igid, .xviii, 456-461. THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE LOCAL APPLICATION OF RADIUM AND X INLAYS.* By Walter A. Weed, M. D., Birmingham, Ala., Radiologist, Birmingham Infirmary. Owing to some obscure quality in our being which we, for Cialis Prescription Discount Card lack of a better term, call "human nature," we are very prone either to ban or bless, most un- reservedly and whole heartedly, any new discovery or invention. It may be that desperation over our inadequacy to cope successfully with such urgent [jroblems as malignant growths was the prime rea- son for the enthusiastic welcome extended to the use of the x ray. That the x ray was a valuable agent to the surgeon was soon demonstrated, but because it did not immediately prove itself a won- fier Cialis Prescription Discount Card worker, it was relegated to the background to make way for the spectacular introduction of ra- dium. First greeted as a modern mystery of miracles, now, after a few years, bearing the condemnation of a few of our best known surgeons, radium is liecoming known at its true value. It is not a panacea, it is not a fake ; Cialis Prescription Discount Card it is, properly used, one of the greatest agents known to the medical pro- fession, and one whose value is not lessened by recognizing its limitations. We have not yet, in any branch of medical science or surgical art, dis- covered any remedy or method that we can truth- fully consider infallible, even in carefully selected cases. Over a decade has passed since the acci- dental discovery of the therapeutic value of radium — over ten years of active use; yet only in the last four years have really practical methods of treat- ment been developed. We have been hampered by the extreme scarcity and great expense ; yet, now that such large quantities of carnotite ore have been discovered and utilized in our own country^ we may hope for greater opportunities for the therapeutic application of radium. It is essential that some of the properties of radium and x rays and methods of application be understood in order to demonstrate their value in the treatment of disease. The multitude of x ray equipments all over the country has to a certain •Read before the Medical As Montgomery, April ig. 1017. of the State of Alabama, Cialis Prescription Discount Card 496 HEED: LOCAL .ll'PLICATION OF RADILM AND X KAYS. [New Yobk Medical -Jouknal. tlegrcc worn away its novelty; while the compara- tive scarcity of radium clinics leaves much to the conjecture of even the average doctor. Radium is constantly giving off three grades of invisible rays, the alpha, beta, and gamma. The range of pene- tration of the alpha rays is very short, but its chemical action great. The beta ray is more pene- trating; it easily influences living tissue several cen- timetres below the surface and Cialis Prescription Discount Card possesses certain chemical properties. The gamma ray is similar to